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Masonry Creme

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Wall Coating Survey 

Properla Wall Coating Survey Download

Properla Wall Coating Survey Download

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Properla Key Features



A treated surface with ProPERLA® will INSULATE building materials by reducing water absorption and the lifespan of a treatment is up to 20 years. The product bonds due to a molecular reaction with the surface of the masonry and can penetrate up to 17mm in masonry creating an insulating barrier.


The treated walls and masonry is able to breathe and will be permeable to water vapour. Air and moisture pass through from one side to the other.

A breathing masonry will improve the thermal conductivity and insulation properties.

Just a 5% content of damp in your buildings cavity wall insulation or other building materials can lower the thermal resistance by up to 50% and costing you higher energy bills lower energy performance ratings.


Generally speaking Dirt and debris are unable to obtain a hold on the proPERLA® coated facade and will simply flow off with rainfall. The façade remains clean and attractive, even on sides which are particularly exposed to the weather like on the north-facing side or facades in shade, as well as in areas with high air humidity or road traffic.

Keep your home looking great with Regal Carrington Windows, the best name in home improvements.